Sweet Potato Fries and Carrot Tart

Hello, hello!

So, last night we (I) made sweet potato fries for the first time. Surprisingly, it's quite difficult to find a recipe for fried sweet potato fries, but I persevered, found one, and made it my own. (smile)

Sweet Potatoes, cut into fries (put in freezer until ready to use)
Oil, to deep fry in
Lawry's, to season
Pinch of sugar, or to taste

Heat oil to 325 degrees. Fry potatoes in batches until soft but not browned. Try to keep oil temp up. Drain on paper towels or brown paper bags. Raise oil temp to 375. Fry again in batches until browned and puffed. Drain on paper towels again. Sprinkle with Lawrys (spelling?) and a pinch of sugar. Needs some kind of dipping sauce--open to suggestions.

Supposedly, they crisp better when cold. Many recipes suggested keeping them in cold water to prevent discoloring, but mine were in the freezer for almost an hour (probably too long) and didn't discolor at all. Travis the Great thought that if they would have been cut more thinly, they would have been better. More like the size of MicD's fries.

Result: decently tasty. Addictive. Slightly more healthy than french fries.

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