Lonely Fajitas

Mum and pop went to a Chamber of Commerce auction (the socialites of The FC) and I was left home alone. I had naught but a roast thawing out and was craving meat. Much to my dismay, it turned out to be a deer roast.
I rallied myself and cut some paper thin slices from it.
Onions in the fridge. I am saved!
Then, I found an orange pepper.
Oh, the joy.
After cooking the meat in a bit of oil and about a cup of minced garlic, I sprinkled it with Chi-Chi's.
Mmm-boy, did it smell good.
Tossed in the onions.
Getting mushy!
Quick! Throw in the frozen corn and orange pepper!
Oh boy.
Smeared some sour cream on a steamed corn torilla and piled on the goods.
Topped With parmesan cheese!
It made enough for two people.
It fed one.
And those are lonely fajitas.
And they are tasty.

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