Cheese Puffs

We made these tasty cheese puffs for a snack. Since we don't eat that much fat, I figure fried food is probably good for the monsters. I have read, however, that deep frying carbs raises their glycemic index, meaning the sugars in them metabolize faster (more impact on your blood sugar?). Since these have fewer carbs than a lot of deep fried food, I figured they're even healthier! Can I use that term to describe deep fried cheese??

1/4 c. flour

2 c. shredded cheese (supposed to be parm, but I used Italian blend, finely shredded)

4 egg whites

mix cheese and flour. Beat egg whites stiff. Fold in cheese/flour. Make into balls and roll lightly in flour (about the size of Bing cherries or a shooter-marble that is). Deep fry until anywhere between lightly browned and dark golden.

I would add some garlic powder or something next time. I think I'll try jack cheese, it's more gooey when melted.


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