Chix and Gabbys

Making chicken and garbanzos for lunch and the house smells heavenly. We actually have some smoked paprika we got at Penzy's Spices in the cities almost two years ago, (poo poo to those who say paprika only lasts a few months, Newman's don't usually follow expiration dates) and I use that. Travis isn't home, so I put in the full amount of garlic--an uncommon luxury.

Sidenote: as I'm typing this I hear small phrases of childish conversation drifting down the stairs. Calvin, indignantly, "Well our head, goes with our face!" I put the comma where the pause was, not where it grammatically should be.

So, as I was saying, I love this dish. I usually don't use the pepper flakes, but to go along with the smokey theme, I use a pinch of chipotle powder. Or as Julia says, "a few grains cayenne."

I made a bulgar salad with cukes, red peppers (yes, Mandy, they do turn red when they sit around for a few weeks. You can say "I told you so".), shredded carrots, and a bit of shallot. Lemon juice and extra virgin olive oil. I guess it still needs salt and pepper.

I think we will go enjoy that now. . .You'll have to search epicurious for the recipe; I'm too lazy. It's titled Roast Chicken Breast with Garbanzo Beans, Tomatoes, and Paprika.

Oh, made coconut flour apple muffins for breakfast from this blog:
She makes fabulous things.

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