The Lost Carrot Tart

I previously referred to Carrot Tart but failed to post anything about it. Here it is:

I bought two bags of shredded carrots from "the market" for $.59 each. Some went into carrot muffins, some to salads, and these to a carrot tart. I had a tart crust I had made using my fabulous french tart pan that I purchased from the Village Store and the leftovers from Mom's Pie Crust recipe. So, my original idea was to do something like scalloped carrots in a crust, but Mandy suggested that I make more of a carrot quiche. I wanted to use a little nutmeg, because I have a recipe for carrot soup with nutmeg that sounds lovely, but I can't find my nutmeg.

10 oz. bag of shredded carrots

1/2 c . minced onion

3 eggs

1 c. whole milk

1/2 c. shredded good cheese

sprinkle of allspice

1 t. salt

I mixed the eggs, milk, and cheese, then sauteed the carrots and onion until tender. Mix it all, pour into shell, and bake until done.

Kids actually ate it.

P.S. When you decide to try this and call Mandy for advice, don't listen to her when she tells you that the filling won't leak out of the tiny hole in your crust, because it will.

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