Mom's brownies

The best brownies in existence.  Somehow, it makes a difference who makes them:  Mum's are fudgiest, Amber's were black last time, and Mandy's are generally burnt to a crisp.  Um, good luck, I suppose. (:

4 sticks butter, melted
scant 2 c. white sugar
1/2 c. cocoa
4 eggs
1 t. vanilla
3/4 t. salt
1 1/2 c. flour

(Chocolate chips and walnuts make delish additions to the top!  Also, I was thinking a toffee crumbled on the top might be nice?  but a bit sweet perhaps.) 
(I added a teaspoon of finely ground coffee, it was tasty.)

Melt the butter in a big bowl in the microwave.  Then add the rest of the ingredients in the order they're listed, stirring after the addition of each.  Bake in a 9x13'' cake pan at 350F until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean.  Cook them for less time for fudgier brownies. MMmmmmmm...


  1. agh.. I put toffee on my black ones... they were good, but they were black from carbon, not chocolate :(

  2. Ohhh! but they are really extra moist if you use brown sugar instead of white, but just use a little less and watch them closely because I think that they will burn more easily...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I added instant coffee powder to mine mixed into a little water and I think the water improved the texture. . .hmmm
